Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013




Recently, I received an email by somepony asking for me to try out their game, and included was a nameless (and quite suspicious) .exe file. I launched the game (After virus scanning it over and over and over) and it reminded me almost immediately of the Luna Game. And that's exactl y what it was. It is unknown if this game was created by the same person who created the first Luna Game. The music featured is Super Ponybeat - Giggle at the Ghostie.


This game starts out as you playing as Luna on a very simple platform level. It tells you immediately you can hold Shift and run. After you get going, you start to notice cracks forming in the ground. The cracks get bigger and bigger until they completely cover all of the ground. Suddenly, the screen flashes to a disturbing image of Pinkie Pie and plays white static for about a second, then flashes back to the game. Now, the background and the blocks are all tinted dark red, and you move very slowly. There is some disturbing music playing in the background.

At this point, the only thing to do is go forward until you reach a giant hole in the ground. After falling, the background fades to black, and you eventually fade after it, revealing a Game Over screen of Luna falling. The image used at this point is Luna's Descent. More creepy music begins playing, and after a minute the game closes. During this whole time, you are unable to close the game normally, and after the first flash you are unable to move your mouse, just like in the first Luna Game.

HERE is a youtube playthrough of the game.

The major difference between this and the first Luna Game, is that it does not create any extra files, an annoyance the first one was more famous for. This game is best played in d ark room with headphones for the full effect.

You can download the game HERE IT WILL SHOCK YOU, so be careful.

The platforming had a few glitches, such as getting stuck, but was done fairly well. The scare was also done fairly well, but because this is not a full game, it only gets
Equestria Gaming

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Lyra's List #16

Lyra's List #16

That's right - Lyra's List is back! After a short break, Lyra's List will now be returning to the first day of every month. If you're wondering what Lyra's List is all about, I'd suggest reading up on this post - it'll tell you all you need to know. The deadline for Lyra's List #17 submissions will be October 31, 2013 (Nightmare Night, anyone)? Anyways, the months of August and September hav e some pretty great submissions, and you can find them all after the break...


Neonair Games
PonyQuest: My Little RPG
Classic RPG
Long Term

Blank Flank Studios
Short Term

Fallout Equestria RPG
Western RPG
Long Term

Quest f or Harmony: The Unofficial Brony Adventure
Long Term

Untitled Pony Game
2D Adventure Platformer
Long Term

That's all for this edition of Lyra's List - if you have any comments or corrections, you can email me, or leave them in the comments section below. Be sure to check out these games, and if you have interest in making an MLP fangame, but aren't quite sure how to get it done, Lyra's List may be right for you. Have a good night! Equestria Gaming

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie

Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie

Twilight vs Trixie
Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie

 As most people probably figured out by reading the game's title, Twilight Sparkle vs Trixie is about Twilight and her would-be arch-nemesis casting spells at each other. For some stupid reason they decided to position themselves on opposite sides of a hill, which means that they'll be blindly tossing spikeballs and whatnot over it in an attempt to damage their foe. Thing is, the multiplayer feature doesn't appear to be working at the moment and the singleplayer AI has incredibly bad aiming skills. In the course of a long match against it I was never hit once, unless you count the time I had a shield equipped. I can understand wanting to make a game that's easy to get into, sure, but there isn't much of a point in coming back if there's no real challenge.

Why on earth am I shoving all this weird stuff behind the break
Equestria Gaming