Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

MLP:Rise of Vicis

MLP:Rise of Vicis

MLP:Rise of Vicis

Another MLP:FiM game in early development has recently popped up, and for once it isn't an RPG! From what I've seen so far, it a ppears to be a platformer in a very early state, and in need of a couple team members too. As a matter of fact, if I were the developers I wouldn't show it off in it's current state, but it's their game, and they can do what they want with it. The developers also accept suggestions, and you can give them feedback and helpful, constructive criticism at http://mlpriseofvicis.webs.com/gotideas.htm.

Anyways, check out a video preview and a couple of screenshots after the break.

Equestria Gaming

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Domain Host Transfer - Transfer Complete

Domain Host Transfer - Transfer Complete

Well, the domain transfer was 100% successful!

The site will continue as it has been.

If you're curious why I changed, read after the break.

I don't want to go too into detail with this, but basically..
Eqestriagaming.com was registered with Godaddy, and Godaddy is pro-SOPA.

SOPA would essentially destroy this website, Equestria Daily, youtube, and pretty much everything else you guys love. THAT is why I'm against it.

I won't say any more that that. This post will likely be deleted soon enough as well.
That's all! Equestria Gaming

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Between Dusk and Dawn Demo

Between Dusk and Dawn Demo

Download it Here!
Yet another pony RPG - "MLP Between Dusk and Dawn" is in the works, and its creator, Kaijyuu, has decided to release this demo to show off the custom game engine and generate some interest for the game. All the animations are placeholde rs and the game in general is in a very early state, but even so, this demo is spectacular in nearly all facets.

This is already a very fun and well made game, in my opinion, but it's going to get much much better. The creator, a brilliant programmer, needs some assistance with spriting, background art, sound, etc. The stuff in the game now is mainly placeholder, but with the help of some skilled bronies, I'm sure will look amazing. You can find out more about how to help at the Forum Thread, and or the Ponychan Thread. Read more about the demo itself after the break!

The overarching gameplay of Between Dusk and Dawn is reminiscent of many RPG's. You walk around a map, and when you encounter an enemy, you drop into battle, where you can use your abilities to defeat any f oe. You traverse the map, in this case, with Twilight Sparkle. As soon as you come across an enemy, say a Parasprite, you get whisked away to the battle interface.

The battles are where this game definitely gets creativity points. Your party as of this first demo consists of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack (you'll be able to customize your party in later versions). The control set is fully customizable and very intuitive. All you need to do is select your character, choose your move, something that can be accomplished with one key or a combination of two - a left arrow modifier allows for specialty attacks, and a right arrow modifier accesses the regenerative moves.

Parasprites beware
There is music in the game as well, although some of it has been confirmed to be placeholder. The main menu music is very fitting, aside from also being an amazing song: All-Powerful Trixie, by the one and only Not a Clever Pony. The full list of music and artists is included in the readme.txt in the download.

Between Dusk and Dawn already has many of the elements of a good RPG; fun and unique battles, character upgradability, useful items, etc. Many, many more are on the way as well. You can tell it's still an early work in progress - there 's an enemy called the Money Spider which is easy to kill and gets you millions of bits and millions of experience points for testing. With some graphical assistance and a lot of hard work, this game could be at the absolute forefront of pony gaming, and I have no doubts that it will be eventually.

Bonus points if you manage to defeat the showoff boss for the demo (Atma, from Final Fantasy).
Equestria Gaming

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Equestria Jukebox

Equestria Jukebox

Equestria Jukebox >>>

 Despite the infamous Pony Creator utility being the most commonly-used of, well, pony creators, there are still a fair amount of people who prefer the Pony Avatar Creator demo for various reasons (even if its pony model looks a bit off, and it doesn't have a really wide variety of manes or accessories). The creator could have kept it in its current state and simply added more stuff, but it seems he has other plans for it and is in the process of transforming it into a full-fledged web service called Equestria Jukebox, with chat rooms and whatnot.

 Will this take off? We'll see once the open alpha comes out, but in the meantime you can find an exclusive sneak peak of the service below the break.

 From what I've gathered, the pony creation ser vice will be available to all, although users will have to sign up to have access to some of the more advanced features such as joining/creating chatrooms.

The tutorial screen for Equestria Jukebox.

 Upon signing up users will be given a quick tutorial on the site's usage or something. The Youtube player from the ori ginal app has been carried over to this new version, allowing the owner to cycle through music tracks and whatnot while people chat about stuff. User avatars will also be automatically generated from the OCs that they create with the site, which is pretty neat I guess.

A typical screenshot of Equestria Jukebox.

...Come to think of it, this is a lot like Lunasync but with OCs instead of Luna.

 The homepage has a list of currently active, password-free rooms. In the future Lexuzieel is planning on implementing playlist voting so rooms may still be active while the group's owner is away. Yep, there's totally no way this can go horribly wrong...

 And now we've come to the feature everybody cares about the most: the pony editor. Users of the service's predecessor should feel right at home, and will probably be quite pleased once more manes/accessories are added. This time around the Lexuzieel apparently has some people to help him make these, so hopefully the project wo n't stagnate in quite the way that the Pony Avatar Creator did.

 In a way I almost wonder if Equestria Jukebox really needs to be this big, frankensteinian web service instead of just a pony creation utility, or exactly how Lexuzieel plans on getting the money for hosting this, but we'll get to that once the open alpha has been out for a while. Lex is also looking for translators or something so the site will be accessible to a wider audience, so if you're interested you could contact him via his steam account (Lexuzieel) or his Skype account, alexrurm.
Equestria Gaming

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

New Favicon!

New Favicon!

Well, I've been working on the site lately, fixing small errors and things like that, when suddenly I realized that we don't  have a favicon.

So...here it is!

Please note that this is not final, and may be replaced later. I also plan on updating the site's banner; as it's getting rather old. You can email me submissions if you wish. Equestria Gaming

Legend of Celestia Updates!

Legend of Celestia Updates!

Legend of Celestia

Update:poll is over. Nightmare plot wins!

The Legend of Celestia blog has updated, and apparently they have a poll that will help them decide which plot to go with! If I were you, I'd head over the to their blog at http://www.legendofcelestia.com/blog.html.

Oh, and apparently they're releasing a video preview tomorrow. I won't be around then, but I should be able to provide a link on Monday (unless one of my fellow bloggers beats me to it, :P ). Equestria Gaming

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Castle Pinkiestein

Castle Pinkiestein

Castle Pinkiestein

 If you've been following the Spike's Quest blog, you may have heard that its creator was alternating between working on it and a side-project titled Castle Pinkiestein, a first-person shooter/puzzle game starring Twilight Sparkle as the protagonist, trapped inside some sort of cruel nightmare in which she is forced to kill mutated Pinkie Pie clones. Aside from this there really isn't much else for info on the ga me (aside from what we've heard of it formerly being a minigame in Spike's Quest), so I guess we'll just have to wait for now and see how the project turns out.

 My apologies for the overall lack of content lately as well, I'm just waiting for the My Little Game Dev Marathon to finish so I can post about the results (it officially ends at some point tomorrow, which will be followed by a one or two day delay until I get the go-ahead to write the compilation post).

 Oh hey, you'll also be able to pla y this game with your dorky 3D glasses.
Equestria Gaming

PonyRL Progresses Smoothly

PonyRL Progresses Smoothly

A screenshot of the PonyRL web client.

 The web-based PonyRL project seems to have made a decent amount of progress since we last looked at it back in August, with several more playable classes and scenarios for the player to unlock. It's still pretty basic as far as roguelikes go, however; enemies are mostly stationary, there aren't really any NPCs for the player to interact with, and you aren't likely to get sick from eating orc car cases. Newcomers from the genre should find it fairly easy to get into, although after a while it might leave them wishing for something a bit more...substantial. Might have something to do with the game's still being in beta.

 Then again, it could just be that the later stages are all much better and I just suck too much at the game to get to them, who knows?
Equestria Gaming

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Everybody Loves >CLOP

Everybody Loves >CLOP


 On November 30th, with little ado some anon released an online pony-themed geopolitics game, only for it to suddenly explode with popularity the next next day (mainly via word of mouth, despite an almost complete lack of media attention). >CLOP has seen some major improvements and feature updates since we last posted abo ut it: war, natural disasters, Solar Empire/New Lunar Republic factions, etc, so if even if you have tried the game already I'd still recommend going back to it and giving it another shot.

Maybe I should try playing it myself...then again, I'd probably get sucked in and never come out alive.
Equestria Gaming

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Castle Creator

Castle Creator

                                                                Play it Here!

An official MLP game?  In my Equestria Gaming?  It's more likely than you think.  Yeah, I know there ha ve been games in the past we haven't touched on.  But to never discuss actual, official Friendship is Magic games would be sacrilege.  Sacrilege, I tell you!  As such, it's about time to look at the Hub's new online game, Castle Creator.  It's more or less an online playset, as you pick a location(such as the Grand Galloping Gala and Ponyville) and drag and drop characters into different poses, as well as adding items to the mix.  All of these images are ripped directly from the show, so it feels far more like you're making a scene from an episode than it would if you were playing with toys.  This obviously means it's designed for the show's intended audience, and while it's not something I could see myself investing any time in, it does a commendable job at creating something that its target will enjoy.

While that's all there is to it game-wise, I would be remiss if I didn't bring up Derpy Hooves' now famous inclusion.  Not unli ke that drawing Lauren Faust made a while back, the file name for the absent minded Pegasus in the game is Derpy.swf.  Either this means that the developers wanted to put a fun in-joke in for the bronies who would inevitably scour the game's data, or Hasbro has decided to make Derpy Hooves canon.  Whatever the case, this story is definitely one to watch out for, as it could mean that other fan names for background characters might become canon.  Not trying to predict the future or anything, but I could definitely see it happening. Equestria Gaming

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Site on hiatus

Site on hiatus

Until I can find someone to run it/post more, this site is on temporary hiatus.

Sorry guys, there's just no time for it anymore.

EDIT: Got someone new, we may see some posts on here after all! Equestria Gaming