Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Between Dusk and Dawn Demo

Between Dusk and Dawn Demo

Download it Here!
Yet another pony RPG - "MLP Between Dusk and Dawn" is in the works, and its creator, Kaijyuu, has decided to release this demo to show off the custom game engine and generate some interest for the game. All the animations are placeholde rs and the game in general is in a very early state, but even so, this demo is spectacular in nearly all facets.

This is already a very fun and well made game, in my opinion, but it's going to get much much better. The creator, a brilliant programmer, needs some assistance with spriting, background art, sound, etc. The stuff in the game now is mainly placeholder, but with the help of some skilled bronies, I'm sure will look amazing. You can find out more about how to help at the Forum Thread, and or the Ponychan Thread. Read more about the demo itself after the break!

The overarching gameplay of Between Dusk and Dawn is reminiscent of many RPG's. You walk around a map, and when you encounter an enemy, you drop into battle, where you can use your abilities to defeat any f oe. You traverse the map, in this case, with Twilight Sparkle. As soon as you come across an enemy, say a Parasprite, you get whisked away to the battle interface.

The battles are where this game definitely gets creativity points. Your party as of this first demo consists of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack (you'll be able to customize your party in later versions). The control set is fully customizable and very intuitive. All you need to do is select your character, choose your move, something that can be accomplished with one key or a combination of two - a left arrow modifier allows for specialty attacks, and a right arrow modifier accesses the regenerative moves.

Parasprites beware
There is music in the game as well, although some of it has been confirmed to be placeholder. The main menu music is very fitting, aside from also being an amazing song: All-Powerful Trixie, by the one and only Not a Clever Pony. The full list of music and artists is included in the readme.txt in the download.

Between Dusk and Dawn already has many of the elements of a good RPG; fun and unique battles, character upgradability, useful items, etc. Many, many more are on the way as well. You can tell it's still an early work in progress - there 's an enemy called the Money Spider which is easy to kill and gets you millions of bits and millions of experience points for testing. With some graphical assistance and a lot of hard work, this game could be at the absolute forefront of pony gaming, and I have no doubts that it will be eventually.

Bonus points if you manage to defeat the showoff boss for the demo (Atma, from Final Fantasy).
Equestria Gaming

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